
Introduction to Computer Vision

4th year undergraduate course

Nonlinear Optimization

graduate course

Optimization in AI

evening course

Introduction to Topics in Electronic Engineering

1st year undergraduate course

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

4th year undergraduate course

Linear Algebra

2nd year undergraduate course

Career Development I

1st year undergraduate course

Introduction to AI Image Processing

evening course

Introduction to Computer Vision

4th year undergraduate course

AI in Display and Industry

graduate course

Optimization in AI

evening course

3D Computer Vision

graduate course

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

4th year undergraduate course

Career Development I

1st year undergraduate course

Introduction to Digital Signal Processing

evening course

Nonlinear Optimization

graduate course

Probability & Statistics

1st year undegraduate course

Optimization in AI

evening course

3D Computer Vision

graduate course

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

4th year undergraduate course

Career Development I

1st year undergraduate course

Probability & Statistics

1st year undegraduate course

Digital Signal Processing II

3rd year undergraduate course

Career Development II

3rd year undergraduate course